#============================================================================== # ¡á Window_Message #============================================================================== class Window_Message < Window_Selectable # ìéÙþí®ªºªÄÙÚ? DEFAULT_TYPING_ENABLE = true # falseªËª¹ªëªÈâëÊàøúãÆ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «ª«Ö«¸«§«¯«ÈôøÑ¢ûù #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias xrxs9_initialize initialize def initialize xrxs9_initialize # î¢ß櫵«¦«ó«ÉÙ£ª¬ªÊª¤íÞùêªÏ""ªÈª¹ªë if $soundname_on_speak == nil then $soundname_on_speak = "" end # èâí®«Õ«¡«¤«ë«Ñ«¹àâïÒ $gaiji_file = "./Graphics/Gaiji/sample.png" # èâí®«Ç?«¿?ªß?ªß if FileTest.exist?($gaiji_file) @gaiji_cache = Bitmap.new($gaiji_file) else @gaigi_cache = nil end # Ùþí®÷âΦ?áêéīЫëի¡ @opacity_text_buf = Bitmap.new(32, 32) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «á«Ã«»?«¸ðûÖõ?×â #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias xrxs9_terminate_message terminate_message def terminate_message if @name_window_frame != nil @name_window_frame.dispose @name_window_frame = nil end if @name_window_text != nil @name_window_text.dispose @name_window_text = nil end xrxs9_terminate_message end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «ê«Õ«ì«Ã«·«å #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def refresh # ôøÑ¢ûù self.contents.clear self.contents.font.color = normal_color self.contents.font.size = Font.default_size @x = @y = @max_x = @max_y = @indent = @lines = 0 @face_indent = 0 @opacity = 255 @cursor_width = 0 @write_speed = 0 @write_wait = 0 @mid_stop = false @face_file = nil # @popchar ª¬ -2 ªÎíÞùê¡¢øöñÞêÈöÇ¡£-1ªÎíÞùê¡¢Ùþí®«»«ó«¿?¡£ # 0ì¤ß¾ªÎíÞùê¡¡«­«ã«é«Ý«Ã«×¡£0ªÏñ«ìÑÍë¡¢1ì¤Ë½ªÏ«¤«Ù«ó«È¡£ @popchar = -2 # àÔ?ò¶ªÊªéí®ù»ª²ªòú¼ª¦ if $game_temp.choice_start == 0 @x = 8 end # øúãÆÓâªÁªÎ«á«Ã«»?«¸ª¬ª¢ªëíÞùê if $game_temp.message_text != nil @now_text = $game_temp.message_text # äÔøúãÆò¦ïÒ\Fª¬ª¢ªëª«£¿ if (/\A\\[Ff]\[(.+?)\]/.match(@now_text))!=nil then # äÔ«°«éªòÙÚ? @face_file = $1 + ".png" self.contents.blt(16, 16, RPG::Cache.picture(@face_file), Rect.new(0, 0, 96, 96)) # îïú¼ 128«Ô«¯«»«ëªÎ«¤«ó«Ç«ó«Èªòìýªìªë¡£ @x = @face_indent = 128 @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Ff]\[(.*?)\]/) { "" } end # ð¤åÙÙþí®?×â begin last_text = @now_text.clone # \Vªò?í»«ë?«Á«óªË?ÌÚ(õÚʥݻÝÂ) @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Vv]\[([IiWwAaSs]?)([0-9]+)\]/) { convart_value($1, $2.to_i) } end until @now_text == last_text @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Nn]\[([0-9]+)\]/) do $game_actors[$1.to_i] != nil ? $game_actors[$1.to_i].name : "" end # \nameª¬ª¢ªëª«£¿ name_window_set = false if (/\\[Nn]ame\[(.+?)\]/.match(@now_text)) != nil # ö·ªòàâïÒ name_window_set = true name_text = $1 # \name[]ݻݪòÞûð¶ @now_text.sub!(/\\[Nn]ame\[(.*?)\]/) { "" } end # «¦«£«ó«É«¦êÈöÇ÷÷ïÒ if (/\\[Pp]\[([-1,0-9]+)\]/.match(@now_text))!=nil then @popchar = $1.to_i if @popchar == -1 @x = @indent = 48 @y = 4 end @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Pp]\[([-1,0-9]+)\]/) { "" } end # «¦«£«ó«É«¦øëªÎö¢Ôð @max_choice_x = 0 if @popchar >= 0 @text_save = @now_text.clone @max_x = 0 @max_y = 4 for i in 0..3 line = @now_text.split(/\n/)[3-i] @max_y -= 1 if line == nil and @max_y <= 4-i next if line == nil line.gsub!(/\\\w\[(\w+)\]/) { "" } cx = contents.text_size(line).width @max_x = cx if cx > @max_x if i >= $game_temp.choice_start @max_choice_x = cx if cx > @max_choice_x end end self.width = @max_x + 32 + @face_indent self.height = (@max_y - 1) * 32 + 64 else @max_x = self.width - 32 - @face_indent for i in 0..3 line = @now_text.split(/\n/)[3-i] next if line == nil line.gsub!(/\\\w\[(\w+)\]/) { "" } cx = contents.text_size(line).width if i >= $game_temp.choice_start @max_choice_x = cx if cx > @max_choice_x end end end @max_choice_x += 18 @max_choice_x -= 92 if @face_indent != 0 # øµëñß¾¡¢"\\\\" ªò "\000" ªË?üµ @now_text.gsub!(/\\\\/) { "\000" } # "\\C" ªò "\001" ªË¡¢"\\G" ªò "\002" ªË¡¢ # "\\S" ªò "\003" ªË¡¢"\\A" ªò "\004" ªË?üµ @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Cc]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\001[#{$1}]" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Gg]/) { "\002" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Ss]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\003[#{$1}]" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Aa]\[(.*?)\]/) { "\004[#{$1}]" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[.]/) { "\005" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[|]/) { "\006" } # ÌæùꪹªëªÈù¼ª«ªÈ?ªÞªºª¤ªÎªÇ¡¢\016ì¤Ë½ªòÞÅéĪ¹ªë @now_text.gsub!(/\\[>]/) { "\016" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[<]/) { "\017" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[!]/) { "\020" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[~]/) { "\021" } @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Ee]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\022[#{$1}]" } # «¤«ó«Ç«ó«ÈàâïÒ(õÚʥݻÝÂ) @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Ii]/) { "\023" } # «Æ«­«¹«È÷âΦáãò¦ïÒ(õÚʥݻÝÂ) @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Oo]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\024[#{$1}]" } # «Æ«­«¹«È«µ«¤«ºò¦ïÒ(õÚʥݻÝÂ) @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Hh]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\025[#{$1}]" } # ÍöÛÜ?ìý(õÚʥݻÝÂ) @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Bb]\[([0-9]+)\]/) { "\026[#{$1}]" } # «ë«ÓøúãÆ(õÚʥݻÝÂ) @now_text.gsub!(/\\[Rr]\[(.*?)\]/) { "\027[#{$1}]" } # ª³ª³ªÇìéÓ©«¦«£«ó«É«¦êÈöÇÌÚãæ reset_window # \nameª¬ª¢ªëª«£¿ if name_window_set # «ª«Õ«»«Ã«ÈêÈöÇ off_x = 0 off_y = -10 # ?ªÀª±«¦«£«ó«É«¦ªÎíÂà÷(åùÛܪò 2 ªËàâïÒ) space = 2 x = self.x + off_x - space / 2 y = self.y + off_y - space / 2 w = self.contents.text_size(name_text).width + 8 + space h = 26 + space @name_window_frame = Window_Frame.new(x, y, w, h) @name_window_frame.z = self.z + 1 # ëôÞÄîܪÊÍöñéÙþí®ÙÚ?«¦«£«ó«É«¦ªòíÂà÷ x = self.x + off_x + 4 y = self.y + off_y @name_window_text = Air_Text.new(x, y, name_text) @name_window_text.z = self.z + 2 end end # «¦«£«ó«É«¦ªòÌÚãæ reset_window # àÔ?ò¶ªÎíÞùê if $game_temp.choice_max > 0 @item_max = $game_temp.choice_max self.active = true self.index = 0 end # ?ö·ìýÕôªÎíÞùê if $game_temp.num_input_variable_id > 0 digits_max = $game_temp.num_input_digits_max number = $game_variables[$game_temp.num_input_variable_id] @input_number_window = Window_InputNumber.new(digits_max) @input_number_window.number = number @input_number_window.x = self.x + 8 @input_number_window.y = self.y + $game_temp.num_input_start * 32 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «Õ«ì?«àÌÚãæ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update super # «Õ«§?«É«¤«óªÎíÞùê if @fade_in self.contents_opacity += 24 if @input_number_window != nil @input_number_window.contents_opacity += 24 end if self.contents_opacity == 255 @fade_in = false end return end @now_text = nil if @now_text == "" # ?üµ # øúãÆÓâªÁªÎ«á«Ã«»?«¸ª¬ª¢ªëíÞùê if @now_text != nil and @mid_stop == false if @write_wait > 0 @write_wait -= 1 return end text_not_skip = DEFAULT_TYPING_ENABLE while true # õÌÓÞ x y ªÎÜÁðí¡£ @max_x = @x if @max_x < @x @max_y = @y if @max_y < @y # c ªË 1 Ùþí®ªòö¢Ôð (Ùþí®ª¬ö¢ÔðªÇª­ªÊª¯ªÊªëªÞªÇ«ë?«×) if (c = @now_text.slice!(/./m)) != nil # \\ ªÎíÞùê if c == "\000" # Üâ?ªÎÙþí®ªË?ª¹ c = "\\" end # \C[n] ªÎíÞùê if c == "\001" # Ùþí®ßäªò?ÌÚ @now_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "") color = $1.to_i if color >= 0 and color <= 7 self.contents.font.color = text_color(color) if @opacity != nil color = self.contents.font.color self.contents.font.color = Color.new(color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha * @opacity / 255) end end # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end # \G ªÎíÞùê if c == "\002" # «´?«ë«É«¦«£«ó«É«¦ªòíÂà÷ if @gold_window == nil and @popchar <= 0 @gold_window = Window_Gold.new @gold_window.x = 560 - @gold_window.width if $game_temp.in_battle @gold_window.y = 192 else @gold_window.y = self.y >= 128 ? 32 : 384 end @gold_window.opacity = self.opacity @gold_window.back_opacity = self.back_opacity end # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end # \S[n] ªÎíÞùê if c == "\003" # Ùþí®ßäªò?ÌÚ @now_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "") speed = $1.to_i if speed >= 0 and speed <= 19 @write_speed = speed end # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end # \A[soundname] ªÎíÞùê if c == "\004" # î¢ßæ«Õ«¡«¤«ëªò?ÌÚª¹ªëª¿ªáªÎñÞÝá @now_text.sub!(/\[(.*?)\]/, "") buftxt = $1.dup.to_s # î¢ßæ«Õ«¡«¤«ëÙ£ªË"/"ª¬ª¢ªëª«£¿ if buftxt.match(/\//) == nil and buftxt != "" then # ªÊª±ªìªÐ"Audio/SE/"ªòÌ¿ùꪹªë $soundname_on_speak = "Audio/SE/" + buftxt else # ª¢ªìªÐª½ªÎªÞªÞ«³«Ô? $soundname_on_speak = buftxt.dup end # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" elsif c == "\004" # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end # \. ªÎíÞùê if c == "\005" @write_wait += 5 c = "" end # \| ªÎíÞùê if c == "\006" @write_wait += 20 c = "" end # \> ªÎíÞùê if c == "\016" text_not_skip = false c = "" end # \<ªÎíÞùê if c == "\017" text_not_skip = true c = "" end # \!ªÎíÞùê if c == "\020" @mid_stop = true c = "" end # \~ªÎíÞùê if c == "\021" terminate_message return end # \IªÎíÞùê(õÚʥݻÝÂ) if c == "\023" # ÐѪÎ@xªò«¤«ó«Ç«ó«ÈêÈöǪËàâïÒ @indent = @x c = "" end # \OªÎíÞùê(õÚʥݻÝÂ) if c == "\024" @now_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "") @opacity = $1.to_i color = self.contents.font.color self.contents.font.color = Color.new(color.red, color.green, color.blue, color.alpha * @opacity / 255) c = "" end # \HªÎíÞùê(õÚʥݻÝÂ) if c == "\025" @now_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "") self.contents.font.size = [[$1.to_i, 6].max, 32].min c = "" end # \BªÎíÞùê(õÚʥݻÝÂ) if c == "\026" @now_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "") @x += $1.to_i c = "" end # \RªÎíÞùê(õÚʥݻÝÂ) if c == "\027" @now_text.sub!(/\[(.*?)\]/, "") # Ùþí®ªòÙÚ? @x += ruby_draw_text(self.contents, @x, @y * line_height + (line_height - self.contents.font.size), $1, @opacity) # Ùþí®ÙÚ?ªÎSEªòæÑñ´ if $soundname_on_speak != "" Audio.se_play($soundname_on_speak) end c = "" end # «¢«¤«³«óÙÚ?éÄ«·?«±«ó«¹ªÎíÞùê(õÚʥݻÝÂ) if c == "\030" # «¢«¤«³«ó«Õ«¡«¤«ëÙ£ªòö¢Ôð @now_text.sub!(/\[(.*?)\]/, "") # «¢«¤«³«óªòÙÚ? self.contents.blt(@x , @y * line_height + 8, RPG::Cache.icon($1), Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24)) # Ùþí®ÙÚ?ªÎSEªòæÑñ´ if $soundname_on_speak != "" Audio.se_play($soundname_on_speak) end @x += 24 # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end # ËÇú¼Ùþí®ªÎíÞùê if c == "\n" # àÔ?ò¶ªÊªé««?«½«ëªÎøëªòÌÚãæ if @lines >= $game_temp.choice_start @cursor_width = [@cursor_width, @max_choice_x - @face_indent].max end # y ªË 1 ªòʥߩ @lines += 1 @y += 1 @x = 0 + @indent + @face_indent # àÔ?ò¶ªÊªéí®ù»ª²ªòú¼ª¦ if @lines >= $game_temp.choice_start @x = 8 + @indent + @face_indent end # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end # èâí®øúãƪÎíÞùê if c == "\022" # []ݻݪÎð¶ËÛ @now_text.sub!(/\[([0-9]+)\]/, "") # èâí®ªòøúãÆ @x += gaiji_draw(4 + @x, @y * line_height + (line_height - self.contents.font.size), $1.to_i) # ó­ªÎÙþí®ªØ c = "" end if c != "" # Ùþí®ªòÙÚ? self.contents.draw_text(4+@x, 4+ 32 * @y, 40, 32, c) @x += self.contents.text_size(c).width # Ùþí®ÙÚ?ªÎSEªòæÑñ´ if $soundname_on_speak != "" then Audio.se_play($soundname_on_speak) end end # B«Ü«¿«óª¬ä㪵ªìª¿íÞùê if Input.press?(Input::B) text_not_skip = false end else text_not_skip = true break end # ðûÖõ÷÷ïÒ if text_not_skip break end end @write_wait += @write_speed return end # ?ö·ìýÕôñéªÎíÞùê if @input_number_window != nil @input_number_window.update # ̽ïÒ if Input.trigger?(Input::C) $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $game_variables[$game_temp.num_input_variable_id] = @input_number_window.number $game_map.need_refresh = true # ?ö·ìýÕô«¦«£«ó«É«¦ªòú°Û¯ @input_number_window.dispose @input_number_window = nil terminate_message end return end # «á«Ã«»?«¸øúãÆñéªÎíÞùê if @contents_showing # àÔ?ò¶ªÎøúãÆñéªÇªÊª±ªìªÐ«Ý?«º«µ«¤«óªòøúãÆ if $game_temp.choice_max == 0 self.pause = true end # «­«ã«ó«»«ë if Input.trigger?(Input::B) if $game_temp.choice_max > 0 and $game_temp.choice_cancel_type > 0 $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $game_temp.choice_proc.call($game_temp.choice_cancel_type - 1) terminate_message end end # ̽ïÒ if Input.trigger?(Input::C) if $game_temp.choice_max > 0 $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) $game_temp.choice_proc.call(self.index) end if @mid_stop @mid_stop = false return else terminate_message end end return end # «Õ«§?«É«¢«¦«Èñéì¤èâªÇøúãÆÓâªÁªÎ«á«Ã«»?«¸ª«àÔ?ò¶ª¬ª¢ªëíÞùê if @fade_out == false and $game_temp.message_text != nil @contents_showing = true $game_temp.message_window_showing = true refresh Graphics.frame_reset self.visible = true self.contents_opacity = 0 if @input_number_window != nil @input_number_window.contents_opacity = 0 end @fade_in = true return end # øúãƪ¹ªÙª­«á«Ã«»?«¸ª¬ªÊª¤ª¬¡¢«¦«£«ó«É«¦ª¬Ê¦ãÊ?÷¾ªÎíÞùê if self.visible @fade_out = true self.opacity -= 48 if self.opacity == 0 self.visible = false @fade_out = false $game_temp.message_window_showing = false end return end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «­«ã«é«¯«¿?ªÎö¢Ôð # parameter : «Ñ«é«á?«¿ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_character(parameter) # «Ñ«é«á?«¿ªÇÝÂÐ÷ case parameter when 0 # «×«ì«¤«ä? return $game_player else # ÷åïҪΫ¤«Ù«ó«È events = $game_map.events return events == nil ? nil : events[parameter] end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «¦«£«ó«É«¦ªÎêÈöǪÈÜô÷âÙ¥ÓøªÎàâïÒ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset_window # ÷÷ïÒ if @popchar >= 0 events = $game_map.events if events != nil character = get_character(@popchar) x = [[character.screen_x - 0 - self.width / 2, 4].max, 636 - self.width].min y = [[character.screen_y - 48 - self.height, 4].max, 476 - self.height].min self.x = x self.y = y end elsif @popchar == -1 self.x = -4 self.y = -4 self.width = 648 self.height = 488 else if $game_temp.in_battle self.y = 16 else case $game_system.message_position when 0 # ß¾ self.y = 16 when 1 # ñé self.y = 160 when 2 # ù» self.y = 304 end self.x = 80 if @face_file == nil self.width = 480 else self.width = 600 self.x -= 60 end self.height = 160 end end self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width - 32, self.height - 32) if @face_file != nil self.contents.blt(16, 16, RPG::Cache.picture(@face_file), Rect.new(0, 0, 96, 96)) end if @popchar == -1 self.opacity = 255 self.back_opacity = 0 elsif $game_system.message_frame == 0 self.opacity = 255 self.back_opacity = 160 else self.opacity = 0 self.back_opacity = 160 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü èâí®ÙÚ? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # x¡¡¡¡ £º£øñ¨øö # y¡¡¡¡ £º£ùñ¨øö # num¡¡ £ºèâí®Ûã? # Ú÷ªêö·£ºèâí®øë(@x?Ê¥ö·) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gaiji_draw(x, y, num) # èâí®«Ç?«¿ª¬ðí·ªÊª¤íÞùêªÏù¼ªâª·ªÊª¤ if @gaiji_cache == nil return 0 else # ò¦ïÒª·ª¿èâí®ª¬«­«ã«Ã«·«åÛô?ªòõ±ª¨ªÆª¤ªëíÞùêªÏù¼ªâª·ªÊª¤ if @gaiji_cache.width < num * 24 return 0 end # Ùþí®«µ«¤«ºªòͪߩ if self.contents.font.size >= 20 and self.contents.font.size <= 24 size = 24 else size = self.contents.font.size * 100 * 24 / 2200 end # èâí®«Ç?«¿ªòstretch_bltªÇ?áê self.contents.stretch_blt(Rect.new(x, y, size, size), @gaiji_cache, Rect.new(num * 24, 0, 24, 24)) # Ùþí®ÙÚ?ªÎSEªòæÑñ´ if $soundname_on_speak != "" then Audio.se_play($soundname_on_speak) end # Ùþí®«µ«¤«ºªòÚ÷ª¹ return size end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü line_height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Ú÷ªêö·£ºú¼ªÎÍÔªµ(@y?Ê¥ö·)ªòÚ÷ª·ªÞª¹¡£ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def line_height # úÞ?¡¢àÔ?ò¶ÔõªË??ª¬ªÇª­ªÊª¤?¡¢í»ÔÑîܪË32ªòÚ÷ª·ªÞª¹¡£ return 32 # Ùþí®«µ«¤«ºªòͪߩ if self.contents.font.size >= 20 and self.contents.font.size <= 24 return 32 else return self.contents.font.size * 15 / 10 end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «ë«ÓÙþí®ÙÚ? #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # target £ºÙÚ??ßÚ¡£Bitmap«¯«é«¹ªòò¦ïÒ¡£ # x £ºxñ¨øö # y £ºyñ¨øö # str¡¡ £ºÙÚ?Ùþí®Öª¡£ÜâÙþ,«ë«ÓªÎû¡ãÒªÇìýÕô¡£ # ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ,?﷪ꪬ2ªÄì¤ß¾ª¢ªÃª¿íÞùêªÏí»ÔÑîܪËÙíãʪµªìªë¡£ # opacity£º÷âΦáã(0¢¦255) # Ú÷ªêö· £ºÙþí®øë(@x?Ê¥ö·)¡£ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ruby_draw_text(target, x, y, str,opacity) # «Õ«©«ó«È«µ«¤«ºªò«Ð«Ã«¯«¢«Ã«×ª·ªÆªªª¯ sizeback = target.font.size # «ë«Ó«µ«¤«ºªÎͪߩ target.font.size * 3 / 2 > 32 ? rubysize = 32 - target.font.size : rubysize = target.font.size / 2 rubysize = [rubysize, 6].max # opacityªËЮïÒö·ì¤ß¾ªÎö·ª¬ìýªÃªÆª¤ªëíÞùêªÏáóïá¡£ opacity = [[opacity, 0].max, 255].min # strªòsplitªÇÝÂùܪ·¡¢split_sªËÌ«Ò¡ split_s = str.split(/,/) # split_sª¬nilªÎíÞùêªÏ""ªËª·ªÆªªª¯(è¦ÔÑíÂÛÁò­) split_s[0] == nil ? split_s[0] = "" : nil split_s[1] == nil ? split_s[1] = "" : nil # heightªÈwidthªòͪߩ height = sizeback + rubysize width = target.text_size(split_s[0]).width # «Ð«Ã«Õ«¡éĪÎøëͪߩ(«ë«ÓªÎø몬ÜâÙþªÎøëªòêƪ¨ªëʦÒöàõª¬ª¢ªë?) target.font.size = rubysize ruby_width = target.text_size(split_s[1]).width target.font.size = sizeback buf_width = [target.text_size(split_s[0]).width, ruby_width].max # ÜâÙþªÎÙÚ?øëªÈ«ë«ÓªÎÙÚ?øëªÎó¬ªò1/2ªËª·ªÆ??ªËÌ«Ò¡(ý­ªÇÞÅéÄ) width - ruby_width != 0 ? sub_x = (width - ruby_width) / 2 : sub_x = 0 # opacityª¬255(÷âΦªÊª·)ªÎíÞùêªÏ÷×ßÈÙÚ? if opacity == 255 # «ë«ÓªÎÙÚ? target.font.size = rubysize target.draw_text(x + sub_x, y - target.font.size, target.text_size(split_s[1]).width, target.font.size, split_s[1]) target.font.size = sizeback # ÜâÙþªÎÙÚ? target.draw_text(x, y, width, target.font.size, split_s[0]) return width else # øúãÆ«Æ«­«¹«ÈªÎheight¡¢widthª¬«Ð«Ã«Õ«¡«µ«¤«ºªòß¾üÞªëíÞùêªÏ # «Ð«Ã«Õ«¡ªòî¢ßæà÷ª¹ªë¡£ if @opacity_text_buf.width < buf_width or @opacity_text_buf.height < height @opacity_text_buf.dispose @opacity_text_buf = Bitmap.new(buf_width, height) # ª½ª¦ªÇªÊª¤íÞùêªÏ«Ð«Ã«Õ«¡«¯«ê«¢¡£ else @opacity_text_buf.clear end # «Ð«Ã«Õ«¡ªË«Æ«­«¹«ÈÙÚ? # «ë«ÓªÎÙÚ? @opacity_text_buf.font.size = rubysize @opacity_text_buf.draw_text(0 , 0, buf_width, rubysize, split_s[1], 1) @opacity_text_buf.font.size = sizeback # ÜâÙþªÎÙÚ? @opacity_text_buf.draw_text(0 , rubysize, buf_width, sizeback, split_s[0], 1) # «ë«ÓªÎø몬ÜâÙþªÎøëªòù»üÞªëíÞùê if sub_x >= 0 target.blt(x, y - rubysize, @opacity_text_buf, Rect.new(0, 0, buf_width, height), opacity) # «ë«ÓªÎø몬ÜâÙþªÎøëªòß¾üÞªëíÞùê else target.blt(x + sub_x, y - rubysize, @opacity_text_buf, Rect.new(0, 0, buf_width, height), opacity) end # Ùþí®«µ«¤«ºªòÚ÷ª¹ return width end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü \V?üµ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # option £º«ª«×«·«ç«ó¡£Ùíò¦ïÒéѪÏЮïÒèâªÎíÞùêªÏindexªÎ«æ?«¶??ö·ªòÚ÷ª¹¡£ # index £º«¤«ó«Ç«Ã«¯«¹ # Ú÷ªêö· £º?üµÌ¿Íý(«¢«¤«³«óøúãÆéÄ«·?«±«ó«¹?ªß) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def convart_value(option, index) # optionª¬nilªÎíÞùêªÏ""ªËòÁª¹(è¦ÔÑíÂÛÁò­) option == nil ? option = "" : nil # optionªÏdowncaseª·ªÆªªª¯¡£ option.downcase! # \030ªÏ«¢«¤«³«óøúãÆéĪΫ·?«±«ó«¹¡£\030[«¢«¤«³«ó«Õ«¡«¤«ëÙ£]ªÇïÒëù¡£ case option when "i" unless $data_items[index].name == nil r = sprintf("\030[%s]%s", $data_items[index].icon_name, $data_items[index].name) end when "w" unless $data_weapons[index].name == nil r = sprintf("\030[%s]%s", $data_weapons[index].icon_name, $data_weapons[index].name) end when "a" unless $data_armors[index].name == nil r = sprintf("\030[%s]%s", $data_armors[index].icon_name, $data_armors[index].name) end when "s" unless $data_skills[index].name == nil r = sprintf("\030[%s]%s", $data_skills[index].icon_name, $data_skills[index].name) end else r = $game_variables[index] end r == nil ? r = "" : nil return r end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü ú°Û¯ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose terminate_message # èâí®«­«ã«Ã«·«åËÒÛ¯ if @gaiji_cache != nil unless @gaiji_cache.disposed? @gaiji_cache.dispose end end # Ùþí®÷âΦ?áêéīЫëի¡ËÒÛ¯ unless @opacity_text_buf.disposed? @opacity_text_buf.dispose end $game_temp.message_window_showing = false if @input_number_window != nil @input_number_window.dispose end super end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü ««?«½«ëªÎÏ»û¡ÌÚãæ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_cursor_rect if @index >= 0 n = $game_temp.choice_start + @index self.cursor_rect.set(4 + @indent + @face_indent, n * 32 + 4, @cursor_width, 32) else self.cursor_rect.empty end end end #============================================================================== # ¡á Window_Frame (?ªÀª±ªÇñéãóªÎÙíª¤«¦«£«ó«É«¦) #============================================================================== class Window_Frame < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «ª«Ö«¸«§«¯«ÈôøÑ¢ûù #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, width, height) super(x, y, width, height) self.contents = nil #self.back_opacity = 240 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü ú°Û¯ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose super end end #============================================================================== # ¡á Air_Text (ù¼ªâÙíª¤ªÈª³ªíªËÙþí®ÙÚ? = ?ªÎÙíª¤âëÊàøúãÆ«á«Ã«»?«¸«¦«£«ó«É«¦) #============================================================================== class Air_Text < Window_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü «ª«Ö«¸«§«¯«ÈôøÑ¢ûù #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(x, y, designate_text) super(x-16, y-16, 32 + designate_text.size * 12, 56) self.opacity = 0 self.back_opacity = 0 self.contents = Bitmap.new(self.width - 32, self.height - 32) w = self.contents.width h = self.contents.height self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, w, h, designate_text) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ¡Ü ú°Û¯ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose self.contents.clear super end end