
액터 스탯 분배 스크립트

by 스리아씨 posted Sep 23, 2013


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
# ** TDS Stat Distribution
#    Ver: 1.2
#  * Description:
#  This script allows you to set and change a character's parameters from a 
#  custom menu.
#  * Features: 
#  Change character stats(Parameters).
#  Setting unique stat boosting caps for characters.
#  Setting unique stat increases for characters.
#  * Instructions:
#  To gain or lose parameter points, use this in a script call from an event:
#    gain_param_points(actor_id, value)
#    lose_param_points(actor_id, value)
#    actor_id = ID of actor to gain or lose param points
#    value = amount of param points to gain or lose
#    Example:
#    gain_param_points(1, 100)    
#    lose_param_points(1, 50)
#  To set the amount of parameter change points obtained for a character, add this
#  to to the actor's note box:
#    <Level_UP_Change_Points: V>
#    V = Amount of points to gain everytime the actor levels up.
#    Example:
#    <Level_UP_Change_Points: 10>
#  To set the parameters that can be changed on a character add this to the
#  actor's note box:
#    <Change_PARAMS: P P P P P>
#    P = Parameter ID. The Id of the parameter from 0 to 7.
#    Example: 
#    <Change_PARAMS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7>
#  To set the amount of parameter change for spent each parameter point add this
#  to the actor's note box:
#    <PARAM_"PNAME"_Value: Value>
#    "PNAME" = Parameter short name. (HP, MP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK)
#    Value = Parameter change value. (Amount to increase per point)
#    Example:
#    <PARAM_HP_Value: 10>
#    <PARAM_ATK_Value: 1>
#  To set the parameter cap for a character, add this to the actor's note box:
#    <PARAM_"PNAME"_Cap: Value>
#    "PNAME" = Parameter short name. (HP, MP, ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI, LUK)
#    Value = Parameter cap value.
#    Example:
#    <PARAM_HP_Cap: 9999>
#    <PARAM_ATK_Cap: 300>
#  * Notes:
#  Paremeter ID List:
#    0: HP - Hit Points  (HP)
#    1: MP - Magic Ponts (MP)
#    2: Attack  (ATK)
#    3: Defense (DEF)
#    4: Magic Attack Power  (MAT)
#    5: Magic Defense Power (MDF)
#    6: Agility (AGI)
#    7: Luck (LUK)
# Do not release, distribute or change my work without my expressed written 
# consent, doing so violates the terms of use of this work.
# If you really want to share my work please just post a link to the original
# site.
# * Not Knowing English or understanding these terms will not excuse you in any
#   way from the consequenses.
# * Import to Global Hash *
($imported ||= {})[:TDS_Stat_Distribution] = true

# ** TDS
#  A module containing TDS data structures, mostly script settings.

module TDS
  # ** Stat_Change_Settings
  #  This Module contains stat change settings and setting related method.
  module Stat_Change_Settings
    # * Constants (Features)
    # Parameter Full Names
    PARAM_NAMES = ["Max HP", "Max MP","Attack", "Defense", "Magic Attack",
                   "Magic Defense", "Agility", "Luck"]
    # Parameter Help Text
    "Max value of HP.",
    "Max value of MP.",
    "Affects amount of damage dealt mainly by physical attacks.",
    "Affects amount of damage suffered mainly from physical\nattacks.",
    "Affects amount of damage dealt mainly by magic attacks.",
    "Affects amount of damage suffered mainly from magic attacks.",
    "Agility AGI Determines action order during a turn.",
    "Affects chance of adding state or debuffing a parameter ",
    # Default Parameter Cap (If nil it will use default max)
    # Changeable Parameters (0~7)(Parameters that can be modified)
    CHANGEABLE_PARAM = [*0...8]
    # Parameter Points Name
    PARAM_POINTS_NAME = "Param Points"
    # Level Up Parameter Change Point Gain
    # Allow for Parameter Points to be exchanged back once spent
    # Parameter Gradient Bar Colors
      [Color.new(224, 128, 64), Color.new(240, 192, 64)],
      [Color.new(64, 128, 192), Color.new(64, 192, 240)],      
      [Color.new(46, 0, 29), Color.new(221, 0, 94)],
      [Color.new(46, 21, 0), Color.new(221, 146, 0)],
      [Color.new(2, 0, 46),  Color.new(0,221, 99)],
      [Color.new(29, 0, 46), Color.new(221, 0, 213)],
      [Color.new(63, 4, 62), Color.new(80, 138, 255)],  
      [Color.new(46, 0, 37), Color.new(221, 198, 0)],  
    # * Get Parameter Full Name
    #     parameter : parameter index
    def self.param_long_name(parameter) ; PARAM_NAMES.at(parameter) end    
    # * Get Parameter Help Text
    #     parameter : parameter index
    def self.param_help_text(parameter) ; PARAM_HELP_TEXT.at(parameter) end      
    # * Get Parameter Gradient Colors
    #     parameter : parameter index
    def self.param_colors(parameter) ; PARAM_COLORS.at(parameter) end

# ** Game_Interpreter
#  An interpreter for executing event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_Map, Game_Troop, and Game_Event classes.

class Game_Interpreter
  # * Gain or Lose Parameter Points
  #     actor_id : ID of Actor
  #     value    : parameter value
  def gain_param_points(actor_id, value = 1) ; $game_actors[actor_id].add_stat_change_point(value) end
  def lose_param_points(actor_id, value = 1) ; $game_actors[actor_id].remove_stat_change_point(value) end    

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles actors. It is used within the Game_Actors class
# ($game_actors) and is also referenced from the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :stat_change_points       # Parameters Stat Change Points  
  attr_accessor :stat_change_spent_points # Parameters Stat Change Spent Points    
  attr_accessor :stat_change_params       # Parameters That can be modified    
  attr_accessor :stat_change_cap          # Parameters Stat Change Caps
  attr_accessor :stat_change_value        # Parameters Stat Change Increase Value
  # * Alias Listing
  alias tds_status_distribution_game_actor_setup                     setup
  alias tds_status_distribution_game_actor_level_up                  level_up
  # * Setup
  def setup(*args, &block)
    # Run Original Method
    tds_status_distribution_game_actor_setup(*args, &block)
    # Initialize Stat Changes
  # * Get Base Value of Parameter with Bonus
  def param_base_with_plus(param_id) ; param_base(param_id) + @param_plus[param_id] end
  # * Level Up
  def level_up(*args, &block)
    # Run Original Method
    tds_status_distribution_game_actor_level_up(*args, &block)
    # Add Stat Point
  # * Initialize Stat Change Values
  def init_stat_changes
    # Stat Change Points
    @stat_change_points = 0
    # Stat Change Spent Points Array
    @stat_change_spent_points = Array.new(8, 0)    
    # Setup Stat Change Parameters, Values and Changes
    setup_stat_change_parameters ; setup_stat_change_values ; setup_stat_change_caps
  # * Add/Remove Stat Change Point
  #     value : parameter index
  def add_stat_change_point(value = 1) ; @stat_change_points  = [@stat_change_points + value, 0].max end  
  # * Remove Stat Change Point
  #     value : parameter index
  def remove_stat_change_point(value = -1) ; add_stat_change_point(-value) end      
  # * Get Cap Value for Parameter
  #     parameter : parameter index
  def param_cap(parameter) ; @stat_change_cap.at(parameter) end
  # * Get Value Increase Per Point for Parameter
  #     parameter : parameter index
  def param_increase_value(parameter) ; @stat_change_value.at(parameter) end  
  # * Setup Stat Level Up Points (Amount to gain per level)
  def setup_stat_level_up_points
    # Amount of Stat Change Points to get per level
    @stat_change_level_points = TDS::Stat_Change_Settings::LEVEL_UP_PARAM_POINTS_GAIN
    # Match Text for Parameter Change Points per level
    actor.note[/<Level_UP_Change_Points: (\d+)>/i]
    # Set Stat Change Points Per Level UP
    @stat_change_level_points = $1.to_i if !$1.nil?
  # * Setup Initial Parameter Stat Change Values (Amount to increase per level)
  def setup_stat_change_parameters
    # Stat Change Parameters (Parameters that can be changed)
    @stat_change_params = TDS::Stat_Change_Settings::CHANGEABLE_PARAM
    # Match Text for Change Parameters
    actor.note[/<Change_PARAMS: (.+)>/i]
    # Set Change Parameters if not nil
    @stat_change_params = $1.split(/\s/).collect {|id| id.to_i} if !$1.nil?
  # * Setup Initial Parameter Stat Change Values (Amount to increase per level)
  def setup_stat_change_values
    # Initialize Stat Change Increase Value (Amount to increase per level)
    @stat_change_value = Array.new(8, 1)
    # Go Through Basic Parameters
    ["HP", "MP", "ATK", "DEF", "MAT", "MDF", "AGI", "LUK"].each_with_index {|param,i|
      # Match Text for Parameter cap
      actor.note[/<PARAM_#{param}_Value: (\d+)>/i]
      # Set Stat Change Cap
      @stat_change_value[i] = $1.to_i if !$1.nil?
  # * Setup Initial Parameter Stat Change Caps
  def setup_stat_change_caps
    # Match Text for Parameter cap
    actor.note[/<Default_PARAM_Cap: (\d+)>/i]
    # If Default Parameter cap is not nil
    if !TDS::Stat_Change_Settings::DEFAULT_PARAM_CAP.nil?
      # Initialize Stat Change Cap
      @stat_change_cap = Array.new(8, $1.nil? ? TDS::Stat_Change_Settings::DEFAULT_PARAM_CAP : $1.to_i)
      # Initialize Stat Change Cap
      @stat_change_cap = @stat_change_params.collect {|id| param_max(id)} 
    # Go Through Basic Parameters
    ["HP", "MP", "ATK", "DEF", "MAT", "MDF", "AGI", "LUK"].each_with_index {|param,i|
      # Match Text for Parameter cap
      actor.note[/<PARAM_#{param}_Cap: (\d+)>/i]
      # Set Stat Change Cap
      @stat_change_cap[i] = $1.to_i if !$1.nil?

# ** Scene_Status_Distribution
#  This class performs the status distribution processing.

class Scene_Status_Distribution < Scene_MenuBase
  # * Start Processing
  def start
    # Create Windows
    create_help_window ; create_actor_status_window ; create_actor_stat_points_window
    create_status_change_window ; create_status_change_prompt_window
  # * Create Actor Status Window
  def create_actor_status_window
    # Create Actor Status Window
    @actor_status_window = Window_Stat_Actor_Status.new(@actor)
    @actor_status_window.y = @help_window.y + @help_window.height    
  # * Create Actor Stat Points Window
  def create_actor_stat_points_window
    # Create Actor Stat Point Window
    @actor_stat_points_window = Window_Stat_Actor_Points.new(@actor)  
    @actor_stat_points_window.y = @actor_status_window.y + @actor_status_window.height
  # * Create Actor Status Change
  def create_status_change_window  
    # Create Status Change Window
    @status_change_window = Window_Stat_Status_Change.new(@actor)
    # Set Status Change Windows
    @status_change_window.help_window = @help_window    
    @status_change_window.point_window = @actor_stat_points_window
    # Set Status Change Window Handler
    @status_change_window.set_handler(:ok,       method(:start_stat_change_prompt))        
    @status_change_window.set_handler(:cancel,   method(:return_scene))    
    @status_change_window.set_handler(:pagedown, method(:next_actor))
    @status_change_window.set_handler(:pageup,   method(:prev_actor))
  # * Create Status Change Prompt Window
  def create_status_change_prompt_window
    # Create Stat Change Prompt Window
    @stat_change_prompt_window = Window_Stat_Change_Prompt.new
    # Center Stat Change Window
    @stat_change_prompt_window.x = (Graphics.width - @stat_change_prompt_window.width) / 2
    @stat_change_prompt_window.y = (Graphics.height - @stat_change_prompt_window.height) / 2    
    # Deactivate and Close Stat Change Prompt Window
    @stat_change_prompt_window.deactivate.openness = 0
    # Set Status Change Prompt Window Handler
    @stat_change_prompt_window.set_handler(:ok,     method(:on_stat_change_prompt_ok))
    @stat_change_prompt_window.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_stat_change_prompt_cancel))    
    @stat_change_prompt_window.set_handler(:clear, method(:on_stat_change_prompt_clear))        
  # * Start Stat Change Prompt
  def start_stat_change_prompt
    # Activate and Open Stat Change Prompt Window
    # Select (No)
  # * [OK] Stat Change Prompt Command
  def on_stat_change_prompt_ok
    # Close Stat Change Prompt Window 
    # Apply Stat Changes
  # * [Cancel] Stat Change Prompt Command
  def on_stat_change_prompt_cancel
    # Close Stat Change Prompt Window 
    # Activate Status Change Window
  # * [Clear] Stat Change Prompt Command
  def on_stat_change_prompt_clear
    # Clear Status Change Stat Changes and Redraw it's contents
    @status_change_window.clear_stat_changes ; @status_change_window.refresh
    # Refresh Actor Status and Actor Stat Point Window
    @actor_status_window.refresh ; @actor_stat_points_window.refresh
    # Process Stat Change Prompt Cancel
  # * Apply Stat Changes
  def apply_stat_changes
    # Apply Status Changes on Actor
    # Refresh Actor Status and Actor Stat Point Window
    @actor_status_window.refresh ; @actor_stat_points_window.refresh
  # * Change Actors
  def on_actor_change
    # Set Actor for Status, Point and Status Change Windows
    @actor_status_window.actor = @actor_stat_points_window.actor = 
    @status_change_window.actor = @actor
    # Reactivate Status Change Window

# ** Window_Stat_Actor_Status
#  This window display actor information in the status distribution scene.

class Window_Stat_Actor_Status < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor object
  def initialize(actor)
    super(0, 0, 250, 200)
    # Set Actor
    @actor = actor
  # * Set Actor
  #     actor : actor object
  def actor=(actor) ; @actor = actor ; refresh end  
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Return if Actor is nil
    return if @actor.nil?
    # Draw Actor Face
    draw_actor_face(@actor, 0, 0)    
    # Draw Actor Name & Level
    draw_actor_name(@actor, 100, 0) ; draw_actor_level(@actor, 100, line_height)
    # Draw Actor HP & MP
    draw_actor_hp(@actor, 100, line_height * 2) ; draw_actor_mp(@actor, 100, line_height * 3)    
    # Draw Actor Parameters
    draw_parameters(0, 100)
  # * Draw Parameters
  def draw_parameters(x, y)
    6.times {|i| 
      # Get X And Y Coordinate Position
      x2 = x + (i % 2) * 120 ; y2 = y + (i / 2) * line_height
      # Fill Stat Back Bar
      contents.fill_rect(x2, y2 + 2, 105, 20,  Color.new(32, 32, 64, 160))
      # Draw Actor Parameters
      draw_actor_param(@actor, x2, y2, i + 2) 
  # * Draw Parameters
  def draw_actor_param(actor, x, y, param_id)
    draw_text(x, y, 120, line_height, Vocab::param(param_id))
    draw_text(x + 120 - 50, y, 36, line_height, actor.param(param_id), 2)
  # * Draw Actor Face Graphic
  def draw_actor_face(actor, x, y, enabled = true)
    # Fill Face Back
    contents.fill_rect(x, y, 96, 96,  Color.new(32, 32, 64, 160))

# ** Window_Stat_Actor_Points
#  This window display actor parameter stat change points

class Window_Stat_Actor_Points < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor object
  def initialize(actor)
    super(0, 0, 250, fitting_height(1))
    # Set Actor
    @actor = actor        
    # Draw Window contents
  # * Set Actor
  #     actor : actor object
  def actor=(actor) ; @actor = actor ; refresh end
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Clear Contents
    # Return if Actor is nil
    return if @actor.nil?
    # Draw Actor Stat Change Points
  # * Draw Points
  #     points : points value
  def draw_points(points)
    # Clear Contents
    # Change Color to System Color
    # Draw Parameter Points Header
    draw_text(0, 0, 200, line_height, TDS::Stat_Change_Settings::PARAM_POINTS_NAME + ":")
    # Reset Font Settings
    # Draw Points
    draw_text(0, 0, contents_width, line_height, points, 2)        

# ** Window_Stat_Change_Prompt
#  This window display a prompt before changing stats.

class Window_Stat_Change_Prompt < Window_HorzCommand
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor object
  def initialize ; super(0, 0) end
  # * Get Window Width
  def window_width ; 240 end
  # * Get Window Width
  def window_height ; fitting_height(2) end    
  # * Calculate Height of Window Contents
  def contents_height ; height - standard_padding * 2 end    
  # * Get Digit Count
  def col_max ; 3 end
  # * Get Rectangle for Displaying Items
  def item_rect(index) ; rect = super ; rect.y = line_height ; rect end    
  # * Create Command List
  def make_command_list
    # Add Yes & No and Clear Commands
    add_command("Yes", :ok) ; add_command("No", :cancel) ; add_command("Clear", :clear) 
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Prompt Message
    draw_text(0, 0, contents_width, line_height, "Change stats?", 1)

# ** Window_Stat_Status_Change
#  This window display and selects actor information in the status distribution
#  scene.

class Window_Stat_Status_Change < Window_Selectable
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor object
  def initialize(actor)
    # Set Actor
    @actor = actor        
    super(250, 72, (Graphics.width - 250), 344)
    # Clear Stat Changes
    # Activate and draw window contents
    # Select First
  # * Set Actor
  #     actor : actor object
  def actor=(actor) ; @actor = actor ; clear_stat_changes ; refresh end
  # * Set Point Window
  #     window : window object
  def point_window=(window) ; @point_window = window end
  # * Clear Stat Change Related Values
  def clear_stat_changes
    # Stat Changes Array
    @stat_changes = Array.new(8, 0)
    # Temporary Spent Change Points
    @temp_spent_change_points = Array.new(8, 0)
    # Temporary Stat Change Points
    @temp_stat_change_points = 0
  # * Apply Stat Changes
  def apply_stat_changes
    # Apply Stat Changes
    @stat_changes.each_with_index {|value, i| 
      # Get Parameter Total Value
      param_total = (@actor.param_base_with_plus(i) + value)
      param_adjust = param_total - @actor.param_cap(i)      
      # Adjust Parameter for cap if Necessary
      value -= param_adjust if param_adjust > 0
      # Add Actor Bonus Parameter
      @actor.add_param(i, value)
      # Set Actor Stat Change Spent Points
      @actor.stat_change_spent_points[i] += @temp_spent_change_points.at(i)
    # Decrease Actor Stat Change Points
    @actor.stat_change_points -= @temp_stat_change_points
    # Clear Stat Changes
    # Activate and Refresh
  # * Get Number of Items
  def item_max ; @actor.stat_change_params.size end
  # * Get Item Height
  def item_height ; 53 end
  # * Get Temporary Remaining Actor Poins
  def actor_points_left ; (@actor.stat_change_points - @temp_stat_change_points) end
  # * Get Actor Parameter ID
  def actor_param_id(index = @index) ; @actor.stat_change_params.at(index) end    
  # * Move Cursor Right
  def cursor_right(wrap = false)
    # Return if No More Points can be added
    return if (@actor.stat_change_points - @temp_stat_change_points) <= 0
    # Get Parameter Total Value
    param_total = (@actor.param_base_with_plus(actor_param_id) + @stat_changes[actor_param_id])
    # Return if Parameter Total with change exceeds cap
    return if param_total >= @actor.param_cap(actor_param_id)
    # Increase Parameter and Temp Stat Change Points
    @stat_changes[actor_param_id] += @actor.param_increase_value(actor_param_id) ; @temp_stat_change_points += 1    
    # Increase Temporary Spent Points
    @temp_spent_change_points[actor_param_id] += 1    
    # Redraw Current Item
    # Draw Actor Remaining Points in point window if it's not nil
    @point_window.draw_points(actor_points_left) if !@point_window.nil?
  # * Move Cursor Left
  def cursor_left(wrap = false)
    # If Parameter Point Take back is allowed
    if TDS::Stat_Change_Settings::ALLOW_PARAM_POINT_TAKEBACK
      # If Temporary Spent Change Points is less than 0
      if @temp_spent_change_points.at(actor_param_id) <= 0
        # Return if Cannot Get back anymore points
        return if (@actor.stat_change_spent_points.at(actor_param_id) + @temp_spent_change_points.at(actor_param_id)) <= 0
      # Return if Stat Change is 0 or less
      return if @stat_changes.at(actor_param_id) <= 0
    # Decrease Stat Changes
    @stat_changes[actor_param_id] -= @actor.param_increase_value(actor_param_id) ; @temp_stat_change_points -= 1
    # Decrease Temporary Spent Points
    @temp_spent_change_points[actor_param_id] -= 1    
    # Redraw Current Item
    # Draw Actor Remaining Points in point window if it's not nil
    @point_window.draw_points(actor_points_left) if !@point_window.nil?    
  # * Processing When OK Button Is Pressed
  def process_ok
    # Return if there are no stat changes
    return if !@stat_changes.any? {|s| s != 0}
  # * Update Help Text
  def update_help
    # Draw Parameter Help Text
  # * Draw Item
  def draw_item(index)
    # Reset Font Settings
    # Get Item Rect
    rect = item_rect(index)
    rect.x += 4 ; rect.height = 24 ; rect.width -= 8
    draw_text(rect, TDS::Stat_Change_Settings.param_long_name(actor_param_id(index)))        
    rect.y += 24
    # Fill Bar Borders
    contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
    rect.x += 1 ; rect.y += 1 ; rect.width -= 2 ; rect.height -= 2
    # Fill Bar Background
    contents.fill_rect(rect, gauge_back_color)    
    # Get Parameter
    parameter = @actor.param_base_with_plus(actor_param_id(index))
    # Get Parameter % Rate
    rate = parameter.to_f / @actor.param_cap(index) * 100
    # Adjust Width by Rate
    rect.width = (rect.width * rate) / 100.0
    # Fill Bar Color
    contents.gradient_fill_rect(rect, *TDS::Stat_Change_Settings.param_colors(actor_param_id(index)))
    rect.width = contents_width - 8
    # Draw Parameter Value
    draw_text(rect, parameter, 2)
    rect.y -= 24
    # If Stat Change is 0 or less
    if @stat_changes.at(actor_param_id(index)) < 0    
      # Change Color to Power Down Color
      draw_text(rect, "#{@stat_changes.at(actor_param_id(index))}", 2)
    elsif @stat_changes.at(actor_param_id(index)) > 0 
      # Change Color to Power UP Color
      draw_text(rect, "+#{@stat_changes.at(actor_param_id(index))}", 2)      

대충 이렇게 되는 듯.

Who's 스리아씨
