
Improved Save by gerrtunk

by Alkaid posted Oct 13, 2010


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Source Thread: http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=72769
  자동세이브, 퀵세이브 등의 기능을 가지고 있는 스크립트입니다.  스크립트는 링크된 쓰레드를 보세요(설정 부분과 본체로 나뉘어 있음).

Main systems:

-Autosave system with temporizer or/and map script calls. The autosave warns you
activating a switch everytime is autosaved. Use a reserved slot for this system
that can be protected.

-Quicksave system. This lets the player to save everywhere, with the condition that
the quick savegame will be erased. Use a reserved slot for this system, that can be
protected. It have a must load option that protect agains cheaters.

-One slots modes. They make all the save and load process automatically. Also exist
a Quicksaving one slot mode that works like roguelikes ones.

-Complete event save control system. You can now save, load, erase, check if
savegame exist, keep savegame information in event variables, quick save
and autosave with simple script calls. It also have a function to call the load
game menu.

-Very complex and complete graphic personalitzation. Now savegames can show:
map description(based on maps id)
map name
gameplay time
description(a text thats saved with the game. Ex: "Chapter I")
completed game(based on event variable)

actors names
actors levels
actors graphics
actors faces

There are two graphic configuration modes. With the automatic you can set all that
things in two lines, but with the advanced you can select also every option position.
and other extra things.

It also add the follow features:
-Backwindows and backscene based on images
-You can configurate windows transparencys and visibility.
-Some control over the fonts.

Other features:
-You can select savegame folder, savegames names and extensions.
-Warning messages.
-Main menu quicksave entry
-Configurable slot number.
-Extended vocabulary configuration
-High compatibality. You can disable individually the changues to game_system,
title, end or main menu.

In progress features:
-Slot sort system
-Graphic mode with one actor games in mind.
-Improved slot visually identification.
-Definition of font for each text.
-Some compatibility improvements
-Graphics and interace improvements

Planned features:
-Use of icons
-New base graphic styles
-More complex save scene
-Screen captures
-Extended roguelike style support

**개발중 버전으로 호환성 문제와 버그의 가능성은 언제나 존재합니다.